Name: Haoxuan Li
Position: Ph.D Candidate
Phone: TBD
Room No: 02.07.034


Haoxuan Li is a Ph.D. candidate at TUM Visual Computing Group, advised by Prof. Dr. Matthias Niessner. Before this, he received his Master's degree at the Technical University of Munich and his Bachelor's degree at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Research Interest

3D reconstruction, 3D generation



SceneTex: High-Quality Texture Synthesis for Indoor Scenes via Diffusion Priors
Dave Zhenyu Chen, Haoxuan Li, Hsin-Ying Lee, Sergey Tulyakov, Matthias Nießner
CVPR 2024
We propose SceneTex, a novel method for effectively generating high-quality and style-consistent textures for indoor scenes using depth-to-image diffusion priors. At its core, SceneTex proposes a multiresolution texture field to implicitly encode the mesh appearance. To further secure the style consistency across views, we introduce a cross-attention decoder to predict the RGB values by cross-attending to the pre-sampled reference locations in each instance.
[video][bibtex][project page]